Archived constituentdata42.csv files may now be downloaded directly from the main FTP server ( in the following location:

“Archive/ConstituentDataFileArchive – Zip Files”

Each full-year of archived files is zipped up (i.e., etc.).
I am also in the process of breaking all individual constituent lists into their own directories. In other words, if you want the historical files for the SPY, you will just go to that directory and download them. Additionally, there will be a zipped file for each index and ETF we cover that will contain all the archive constituent lists. Writing the code to do this was pretty simple compared to the time it takes to run through all the full constituentdata42.csv files. It is running now.
Lastly, we recently added a number of indexes to replace indexes no longer updating. If you need other indexes, please let me know and, if I can get the holdings, they will be added ASAP.

To refresh your memory, your FTP credentials are as follows:
Your password remains the same.

If you have questions or need something else, please let me know at

This server will allow much faster download of files via FTP. Additionally, uptime will be significantly improved (99.9% uptime).